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The Streamwalker Fly Rod is your ultimate 10 foot companion on the water. It's remarkably lightweight, ensuring hours of fatigue-free casting. This rod is super strong, ready to take on the most challenging trout, salmon or largemouth bass with ease. Its precision-engineered design makes accuracy easier, enhancing your chances of landing that prized catch.


What sets the Streamwalker Series apart from the rest is the revolutionary use of a proprietary small molecule "nano" resin. This advanced material infuses the rod with unmatched strength and resilience, enabling it to withstand the rigors of any fishing adventure. The "nano" resin also grants the rod the power and sensitivity needed to detect even the subtlest of strikes, providing you with an unparalleled angling experience.

Streamwalker Series Fly Rod

  • I met the owners of Rise Fishing Co. a few years back and fell in love with the rods they produce. All the way through their lineup you can really feel what each rod was designed for. Each of their offerings has been designed by founder Steve Bechard. He has been throwing fly line since his youth and is an amazing caster. He has actual trophies to prove it too. Watching him cast is really something, he can lay out 120 feet of line effortlessly. As for myself I have been lucky to live and fish the Great Lakes tributaries for all kinds of lake-run fish for many years. With steelhead, massive brown trout, and salmon in small creeks and larger tribs basically right out my door I have always been searching for the perfect rod. Fast forward to the fall of 2018 when I started to get the idea that I wanted to produce a fly rod that wore the Streamwalker name. My clear choice was to get together with Steve and Koby at Rise and tell them what I wanted. Their knowledge of the market and materials coupled with their ability to design extraordinarily functional rods made it clear that we needed to partner up. With our heads together and the same goal in mind we set out to create the Streamwalker series late in 2018. We knew what we wanted and had several blanks built to our specs during the process. We had a couple that came close but didn’t make the cut. That was until the Spring of 2020 when we got our hands on what would be the final prototype. It was a rare bright spot during a crazy year and this rod lit us up with huge smiles knowing we had done it! The new Streamwalker series is a lightweight, super strong, and deadly accurate rod that casts with ease. Best of all is that it is handcrafted right here in the USA. All the boxes are checked with this build and we are very proud to offer this rod to the fly fishing community.

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